Jataka 156
Alīnacitta Jātaka
The Good Heart
as told by Eric Van Horn
originally translated by William Henry Denham Rouse, Cambridge University
originally edited by Professor Edward Byles Cowell, Cambridge University
This is a lovely story about a hero elephant who saves his kingdom. In this story the Bodhisatta is just a baby prince who is given the name “Winheart” because “he was born to win the hearts of the people.”
“Prince Winheart once upon a time.” The Master told this story while he was at Jetavana. It is about a timid monk. The circumstances will be set forth in the Saṁvara Birth (Jātaka 462).
When the Master asked this monk if he really were timid as was said, he replied, “Yes, Blessed One.” To which the Master said, “What, monk! In former days did you not gain supremacy over the kingdom of Benares, twelve leagues either way? Then did you not give it to a baby boy, like a lump of flesh and nothing more, and all this just by your perseverance! And now that you have embraced this great path to liberation, are you to lose heart and be timid?” And he told a story of the past.
Once upon a time, when Brahmadatta was the King of Benares, there was a village of carpenters not far from the city. 500 carpenters lived there. They would go up the river in a vessel and enter the forest. There they would shape beams and planks for building houses. They put together the framework of one-story or two-story houses, numbering all the pieces from the main post onwards. They brought these down to the river bank, put them on the ship, and rowed downstream again. Then they built the houses as was required of them, after which, when they received their payment, they went back again for more materials for building. And in this way they made their livelihood.
Once it so happened that in a place where they were at work shaping timbers, a certain elephant stepped on a splinter of acacia wood. The splinter pierced his foot and caused it to swell up and fester. He was in great pain. In his agony, he caught the sound of these carpenters cutting wood.
“There are some carpenters who will cure me,” he thought. So limping on three feet, he presented himself before them, and lay down nearby.
The carpenters, seeing his swollen foot, went up and looked. They saw the splinter sticking in it. With a sharp tool they made an incision around the splinter. They tied a string to it and pulled it out. Then they cauterized the incision, washed it with warm water, and doctored it properly. And in a very short time the wound was healed.
Grateful for this cure, the elephant thought, “My life has been saved by the help of these carpenters. Now I must repay this kindness and make myself useful to them.”
So after that, he used to pull up trees for them. Or when they were chopping he would roll up the logs, or bring them their axes and any tools they might want. He held everything in his trunk like grim death. And the carpenters, when it was time to feed him, used to each bring him a portion of food so that he had 500 portions of food in all.
Now this elephant fathered a baby. It was white all over, a magnificent high-bred creature. The elephant reflected that he was now old, and he had better bring his young one up to serve the carpenters. He himself would then be free to go. So without a word to the carpenters he went off into the wood. He brought his son to them, saying, “This young elephant is a son of mine. You saved my life, and I give him to you as a fee for your healing me. From now on he will work for you.”
So he explained to the young elephant that it was his duty to do the work that he had been doing. Then he went away into the forest, leaving his son with the carpenters. From then on the young elephant did all their work, faithfully and obediently. They fed him, as they had fed the other, with 500 portions of food for a meal.
Once his work was done, the elephant would go play in the river, and then he would return again. The carpenters’ children used to pull him by the trunk and play all sorts of pranks with him in the water and out. Now noble creatures, be they elephants, horses, or men, never defecate in or foul the water. So this elephant did nothing of the kind when he was in the water. He always waited until he came out onto the bank.
One day, rain had fallen up river. And because of the flood a half-dry cake of his dung was carried into the river. This floated down to a landing spot in Benares. There it stuck fast to a bush. Just then the King’s elephant keepers had brought 500 elephants down to the river to give them a bath. But the creatures smelled this soil of a noble animal, and none of them would enter the water. Up went their tails, and off they all ran.
The keepers told this to the elephant trainers who replied, “There must be something in the water, then.” So orders were given to clean the water. There in the bushes they saw the lump.
“That’s what the problem is!” the men cried.
So they brought a jar and filled it with water. They powdered the lump and put it into the water. Lo and behold it had a sweet smell. They sprinkled this water over the elephants. Their bodies became sweet, and at once they went down into the river and bathed.
When the trainers reported this to the King, they advised him to find the elephant and use it for his own profit.
Accordingly, the King got onto a raft and went up stream until he came to the place where the carpenters had settled. The young elephant heard the sound of drums as he was playing in the water. He came out of the water and presented himself before the carpenters. All the carpenters went forth to do honor to the King’s visit. They said to him, “Sire, if you need some woodworking done, why did you come here? Why not simply send for it and have it brought to you?”
“No, no, good friends,” the King answered, “I did not come here for wood. I came for this elephant here.”
“He is yours, Sire! They shouted. But the elephant refused to move.
“What do you want me to do, elephant?” asked the King.
“Order that the carpenters be paid for what they have spent on me, sire.”
“Willingly, friend,” Said the King.
And the King ordered that 100,000 gold pieces be laid by his tail, his trunk, and by each of his four feet. But this was not enough for the elephant. He still would not go. So each of the carpenters was given a pair of cloths, and to each of their wives a robe. They were also given enough to support the carpenters’ children. Then with a last look at the carpenters and the women and the children, he left in the company of the King.
The King brought him to his capital city. The city and stable were decorated magnificently. He led the elephant around the city in a solemn procession. Then they went into his stable which was fitted up with splendor and pomp. There he solemnly sprinkled the elephant and prepared him to go riding. He treated him like a dear friend. The King gave him half of his kingdom. He took as much care of him as he did of himself. And after the coming of this elephant, the King won supremacy over all India.
In due time the Bodhisatta was conceived by the Queen Consort. When it was close to her time to deliver the baby, the King died. Now if the elephant learned about the King’s death, it was sure to break his heart. So he was cared for as usual, and not a word was said about the King’s death. But their neighbor, the King of Kosala, heard about the King’s death. “Surely that kingdom is at my mercy,” he thought.
So he marched with a mighty army to the city and besieged it. The gates of the city were closed, and a message was sent to the King of Kosala, “Our Queen is near the time of her delivery. The astrologers have declared that in seven days she shall bear a son. If she bears a son, we will not yield the kingdom. But on the seventh day we will give you battle. We ask that you wait this long.” And to this the King agreed.
In seven days the Queen bore a son. On his name-day they called him Prince Winheart, because, said they, he was born to win the hearts of the people.
On the very same day that he was born, the townsfolk began to do battle with the King of Kosala. But because they had no leader, little by little the army was giving way, as great as it was. The courtiers told this news to the Queen, adding, “Since our army loses ground in this way, we fear defeat. But the state elephant, our King’s bosom friend, was never told that the King is dead, and that a son was born to him, and that the King of Kosala is here to give us battle. Shall we tell him?”
“Yes, do so,” said the Queen. So she dressed up her son and laid him in a fine linen cloth. Then she left the palace with her entire court and went into the elephant’s stable. There she laid the baby at the Elephant’s feet, saying, “Master, your friend is dead. We were afraid to tell it you lest the news might break your heart. This is your friend’s son. The King of Kosala has besieged the city and is making war upon your son. The army is losing ground. Either kill your son yourself or win the kingdom back for him!”
At once the elephant stroked the child with his trunk. He lifted him up on his head. Then moaning and lamenting he took him down and put him into his mother’s arms, and with the words – “I will subdue the King of Kosala!” – he hastily went forth.
Then the courtiers put his armor and ornamental cloth on him. They unlocked the city gate and escorted him out. The elephant emerging and trumpeted loudly. He frightened the enemy so that they all ran off. Then the army broke up the camp and seized the King of Kosala by his topknot. They carried him to the young prince and threw him down at his feet. Some wanted to kill him, but the elephant held them off. He let the captive King go with this advice, “Be careful for the future, and do not think that we are vulnerable because our Prince is young.”

Figure: Warning the King of Kosala
After that, the power over all India fell into the Bodhisatta’s own hand. No one was able to rise up against him. The Bodhisatta became the King when he was seven years old as King Winheart. His reign was just, and when he came to the end of his life, he went to swell the hosts of heaven.
When the Master had ended this discourse, he repeated this couple of verses:
“Prince Winheart took King Kosala - ill pleased with all he had.
By capturing the greedy King, he made his people glad.”
“So any monk, strong in will, who to the refuge flies,
Who cherishes all good, and goes the way Nirvana lies,
By slow degrees will bring about destruction of all ties.”
And so the Master, bringing his teaching to a climax in the eternal Nirvana, went on to declare the Four Noble Truths. Then this backsliding monk became an arahant, fully enlightened. Then the Master identified the birth: “She who now is Mahāmāyā (the Buddha’s biological mother) was then the mother. This timid monk was the elephant who took the kingdom and handed it over to the child. Sāriputta was the father elephant, and I was the young Prince.”