Jataka 194
Maṇicora Jātaka
The Jewel Thief
as told by Eric Van Horn
originally translated by William Henry Denham Rouse, Cambridge University
originally edited by Professor Edward Byles Cowell, Cambridge University
In this story our old friend Devadatta tries to kill the Bodhisatta in a previous life. Unfortunately for Devadatta, the Bodhisatta’s wife – who will become his wife in the present lifetime, has such virtue that Sakka – the lord of the devas – intervenes. Take a wild guess at who wins that contest. It’s really not a good idea to take on the lord of the devas.
“The gods are here.” The Master told this story while he was at Veḷuvana (the bamboo grove). It is about how Devadatta tried to kill him. Hearing that Devadatta conspired to kill him, he said, “Monastics, this is not the only time that Devadatta has tried to kill me. He tried to do this before, and he failed.” Then he told them this story of the past.
Once upon a time Brahmadatta was reigning in Benares when the Bodhisatta was born as the son of a householder who lived in a village not far from the city.
When he came of age, they arranged for him to marry a young woman who was from a family in Benares. She was a fair and lovely maiden, beautiful as a divine nymph, graceful like a climbing vine, ravishing as a hummingbird. Her name was Sujātā. She was faithful, virtuous, and respectful. She always did her duty to her lord and his parents. This girl was very dear and precious to the Bodhisatta. They two lived together in joy, unity, and harmony.
On a day Sujātā said to her husband, “I would like to see my mother and father.”
“Very well, my wife,” he replied. “Prepare some food for the journey.” He had food of all sorts cooked, and they placed the provisions in a wagon. Since he drove the vehicle, he sat in front and his wife sat behind him. Then they went off to Benares. On their way they unyoked the wagon, washed, and ate. Then the Bodhisatta yoked the oxen again. As before he sat in the front, and Sujātā, who had changed her dress and adorned herself, sat behind him.
As the wagon entered the city, the King of Benares happened to be making a solemn circuit around the palace mounted on the back of a splendid elephant. Sujātā had gotten out of the wagon and was walking behind it on foot. The King saw her and was immediately smitten. He called one of his courtiers. “Go,” he said, “and find out whether that woman has a husband.” The man did as he was told and then went back to tell the King. “She has a husband, I am told,” he said. “Do you see that man sitting in the cart over there? He is her husband.”
The King could not contain his passion, and evil thoughts entered his mind. “I will find some way to get rid of this fellow,” he thought, “and then I will take her as my wife.” Calling to one of his men he said, “Here, my good fellow, take this jeweled crest and act as though you were walking casually down the street. As you go by, drop it in into the wagon.” So he gave him the jeweled crest and sent him off. The man took it and went, and as he passed the wagon he dropped it in. Then he returned and reported to the King that it was done.
“I have lost a jeweled crest!” the King cried. Suddenly the whole place was in an uproar.
“Shut all the gates!” the King ordered. “Cut off the outlets! Hunt the thief!” The King’s followers obeyed. The city was in confusion! The other man, taking some others with him, went up to the Bodhisatta crying, “Hello! Stop your cart! The King has lost a jeweled crest. We must search your cart!” And search it he did until he found the jewel that he had put there himself.
“Thief!” he cried, seizing the Bodhisatta. They beat him and kicked him. Then they bound his arms behind him. They dragged him before the King crying out, “See the thief who stole your jewel!”
“Off with his head!” the King commanded. They flailed the Bodhisatta with whips. They tormented him at every street corner and dragged him out of the city by the south gates.
Now Sujātā left the wagon, and stretching out her arms she ran after him wailing as she went, “Oh, my husband, it is I who brought you into this woeful plight!” The King’s servants threw the Bodhisatta on his back with the intention of cutting off his head. When she saw this Sujātā thought about her own goodness and virtue, reflecting in this way within herself: “I suppose there can be no spirit here strong enough to stop the hand of cruel and wicked men who work mischief on the virtuous,” and weeping and wailing she repeated the first stanza:
“No gods are here, they must be far away,
No gods, who over all the world hold sway.
Now wild and violent men may work their will,
For here is no one who could stop their way.”
As the virtuous woman lamented, the throne of Sakka, King of the Gods, grew hot. “Who is it that would make me fall from my godhead?” thought Sakka. Then he became aware of what was happening. “The King of Benares,” he thought, “is doing something very cruel deed. He is making the virtuous Sujātā miserable. Now I must go there!”
So descending from the god world, by his own power he threw the wicked King off of the elephant. He laid him on his back at the place of execution. He tore off the King’s clothes and put them on the Bodhisatta. Then he put the Bodhisatta on the King’s elephant. At the same time the servants lifted the axe and cut off a head, but it was the King’s head. And once it was cut off, they saw that it was the head of the King. (Oops.)
Then Sakka took human form and went before the Bodhisatta. He consecrated the Bodhisatta to be the new King. He gave Sujātā the role of chief Queen. And as the courtiers, the brahmins, the householders, and the rest saw Sakka, King of the gods, they rejoiced, saying, “The unrighteous King is dead! Now we have received a King who is righteous from the hands of Sakka!”
Sakka stood poised in the air and declared, “From this time forward your virtuous King will rule in righteousness. If a King is ever unrighteous, the gods will send the rain out of season, and in season they will send no rain. There will be the fear of famine, the fear of pestilence, and the fear of war. These three fears will happen because of him.” In this way he instructed them, and then he spoke this second verse:
“For him no rain falls in the time of rain,
But out of season pours and pours again.
A god comes down from heaven upon the earth.
Behold the reason why this man is slain.”

Figure: Sakka Makes His Declaration
Thus did Sakka admonish the great multitude of people, and then he went back to his divine home. The Bodhisatta reigned in righteousness, and when his life was over, he went to swell the hosts of heaven.
The Master, having ended this discourse, identified the birth: “At that time Devadatta was the wicked King. Anuruddha was Sakka. Sujātā was Rāhula’s mother, and by Sakka’s gift I was the righteous King.”
(Anurudda was a prominent member of the Saṇgha and the Buddha’s cousin. Rāhula was the Buddha’s son, and “Rāhula’s mother” was the Buddha’s wife “Yasodarā” before the Buddha’s spiritual quest.)