Jataka 383
Kukkuṭa Jātaka
The Rooster
as told by Eric Van Horn
originally translated by H.T. Francis and R.A. Neil, Cambridge University
originally edited by Professor Edward Byles Cowell, Cambridge University
I have unashamedly modified this story to—once again—remove the inexcusable misogyny. And—once again—I will point out that the villain in these stories is not the women, but the sensual desire.
Having said that… the illustration was really fun to do.
“Bird with wings.” The Master told this story while he was at Jetavana. It is about a monk who longed for the world. The Master asked him, “Why do you long for the world?” He replied, “Lord, through passion, for I saw a beautiful woman.” “Brother, women are sensually enticing. They can bring you to ruin if you are tempted by desire.” And then he told him this story from the past.
Once upon a time when Brahmadatta was the King in Benares, the Bodhisatta was born as a cock. He lived in the forest with a company of many hundreds of cocks. Not far away there lived a female cat. She seduced and deceived the other cocks. And when they fell under her charms, she ate them.
But the Bodhisatta did not fall under her power. She thought, “This cock is very crafty, but he knows not that I am very seductive. I will tempt him by saying, “I will be your wife.” And when he comes under my power, I will eat him.
She went to the root of the tree where he perched and tried to lure him with a speech that praised his beauty. She spoke the first stanza:
Bird with wings that flash so gaily, crest that droops so gracefully,
I will be your wife for nothing, leave the bough and come to me.
The Bodhisatta thought, “She has eaten all of my relatives. Now she wishes to lure me into her trap and eat me. I will get rid of her.” So he spoke the second stanza:
Lady fair and winning, you have four feet, I have only two.
Beasts and birds should never marry; for some other husband sue.
Then she thought, “He is exceedingly crafty. I will try some other way to deceive him and eat him.” So she spoke the third stanza:
I will bring you youth and beauty, pleasant speech and courtesy.
Honored wife or simple slave girl, at your pleasure deal with me.
Then the Bodhisatta thought, "It is best to denounce her and drive her away.” So he spoke the fourth stanza:
You have drunk my kindred’s blood, and robbed and slain them cruelly.
“Honored wife!” There is no honor in your heart when tempting me.

Figure: “There is no honor in your heart…”
She was driven away and did not dare to look at him again.
So when they see hero, let desire fly,
(Compare the cat and cock,) to tempt him try.
He that to great occasion fails to rise
’Neath a foe’s feet in sorrow prostrate lies.
One prompt a crisis in his fate to see,
As cock from cat, escapes his enemy.
These are stanzas inspired by Perfect Wisdom.
His lesson ended, the Master taught the Four Noble Truths, after which the backsliding monk attained stream-entry. Then the Master identified the birth: “At that time, I was the cock.”